Mindfulness with Lesley

My practice in mindfulness meditation began over 20 years ago in Western Massachusetts. After reading Mark Epstein’s first book, Thoughts without a Thinker, about the combined power of psychotherapy and Vipassana meditation, I knew I wanted to learn to meditate. I dove into the deep end by sitting a 12-day silent meditation retreat. I’ve maintained a daily practice since then.

Over the past decades, I’ve had the good fortune to learn from some extraordinary mindfulness teachers: S. N. Goenka, Phillip Moffit, Sharon Salzberg, James Baraz, Kristen Neff and Chris Germer, Pema Chödrön and Ruth King, Gullu Singh, Maureen Shannon-Chapple, and Christiane Wolf, among others.

I’m a certified mindfulness instructor and a member of the International Mindfulness Teacher’s Association. I lead sitting groups that focus on introductory practices (e.g., Mindfulness of Breath, Body Scan, Mindfulness of Sound), as well as Awakening Joy and Mindful Self-Compassion (MSC).

I’m trained by David Treleaven to offer mindfulness through a trauma-sensitive lens. Currently, as part of Insight L.A.’s Facilitator Training Program, I am moving through the White Awake curriculum, which guides mindfulness facilitators through a rigorous education about how mindfulness offers tools and practices to combat systemic racism.

I offer mindfulness workshops throughout the year. I also work 1-1 with individuals of all ages, with an emphasis on self-compassion.

I also offer workshops that combine writing and mindfulness practices. Contact me for more information about my Mindfulness and the Creative Writer workshop.

I aim to make my workshops accessible to all. Please contact me if you wish to inquire about financial assistance.